Rescue For You

I truly enjoy getting to work alongside the many groups of people and teams I train. Just recently, I was invited to do a confined space training with an amazing crew. Upon my arrival, they showed me the two rescue systems they bought online and needed training on how to use. I could quickly see these were pre-built systems and very limited in their uses. Being the gear junkie I am, my mind was racing to all of the different gear choices that I could have set them up with; I could show them “this” and “that” and how to do the same jobs more efficiently…AND…I had to stop! We’ve all played the shoulda-coulda-woulda game, and it’s never a fun game to play. So I reassessed their gear situation, in my opinion, their gear was limited, and after some reflection, it was exactly what THEY needed.

We went to their working sites and trained for their site-specific rescue, using their gear. I learned a valuable lesson through this, which is why I’m writing about it. No one really cares how cool my last cert was or all the ninja skills I could teach them using different equipment. This rad team, just needed to know how to get the rescue done as a team, using their own equipment.

This relatively small realization was pivotal for me because I reflected on the purpose behind different teams’ training. Some teams want the latest new gadget or technique that’s going to change the game or put this team above everyone else. And let’s be honest, I eat that stuff up! I love gear, new gadgets, and I LOVE showing cool new tricks and techniques. But, that’s not what everyone needs. A team should evaluate their purpose behind the trainings, and think about what would be the best use of their resources (time, money, space, and people). Are the rescues going to be relatively simple or complex, and then I tailor the training to the teams’ needs. In the end, it is our job to make the workplace safer, and while I enjoy every aspect of rescue, sometimes a team doesn’t need the whole cookie. Just a couple bites.